As Christian educators, we acknowledge that parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children, and we understand and respect their God-given mandate to raise up their children in the way of the Lord.
Our responsibility as teachers is to come alongside parents to support them in their role. Many parents need help with the multiple facets of educating children, especially with fostering healthy whole-child development and spiritual growth. That is why we need to do our best to build good communication channels and trusting relationships with parents and caregivers to benefit the children in our care.
Misunderstandings between teachers and parents can consume much energy and time, making an otherwise fulfilling occupation very draining and dissatisfying. Furthermore, an unhealthy parent/teacher relationship undermines the education process and ultimately hurts the development of the child. Strategies that build communication, as well as strengthen and inform helpful parental involvement, go a long way to building a trusting and happy partnership between parents and teachers.
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Cost: R180.00